
A little more to this Perpetual Existence

Hey there!
I've been thinking...I'm fine tuning and moving forward with a lot of my work right now, so why not Perpetual Existence too?!!
When I first started this blog (well, actually, there was a first blog that I screwed up while trying to shnazzy* up and this is the second incarnation of Perpetual Existence)...anyway, when Perpetual Existence was started, it was meant to be a place to post news and details of my various projects that occur away from here, but it was also meant to be a place where I could do a little writing. Things I didn't necessarily want to edit or shape to suit someone else (not that I find myself censored in my other projects, but still).
Over time, as I became busier with other things, things which allowed me to write as I wanted to and use my own voice, I found less need/time to write here. This blog became just a place to update what was going on elsewhere. Which is cool, but didn't feel like I was really using this blog as it was meant to be used.
Either way, I miss writing here.
I've got lots to say and it seems (gauging from my posts elsewhere) that people respond to it.
I'll still be posting with news and updates of my other projects, but interspersed with them will be my...meanderings? Cool & interesting things I come across? Ideas / thoughts / reflections / opinions? Conspiracy theories? Sure, why not! ...Well, maybe not conspiracy theories, but if something occurs to me...
So, I hope you come back soon to check it all out and of course, have a wonderfully amazing day!
~ Desirée
* No, this is not misspelled. I say "shnazzy" not "snazzy"...it's so much shnazzier, don't you think?

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