
What is "Perpetual Existence"?

"To refuse to endure this perpetual existence is to disregard the truth which is woven into the infinite web of survival."
I've been asked about "Perpetual Existence" quite a few times.
It's something I wrote when I was 12. I had heard someone use the word perpetual and looked it up. After reading the meaning, I wrote the line above. That's often how it works with my poetry. Something inspires me and sparks a line or verse or sometimes an entire poem.
The "Perpetual Existence" line has followed me throughout the years. It never ceases to amaze me how something you wrote when you were 12 can remain a solid fact, yet at the same time mean so many different things at different stages in your life.
So that's sort of what "Perpetual Existence" is. But, of course, as you know, it's always so much more!
~ D.

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