
Juggling only what I can...

Hey there, super-funky people!
Here's another update of what's going on in my Bohemian world...
* NaNoWriMo was going really well until illness hit (why hold it during cold season?!?!!). Blah! I decided to reprioritize, and that meant not doing NaNoWriMo this year. I totally understand why they do it only during a certain month (if you could choose any month, you might continually put it off), but it would be awesome if they did it twice a year (a spring and fall version, perhaps?). That way if you happen to be engaged during the one month, you could still opt-in for the other. Just a thought :)
* The CAC expansion is going well. I just need a few more days to make sure I've thought of everything.
* The little thing we use to record Boom Epic's practices has gone missing and is NO WHERE to be found. Seriously, we've looked all over and we have no clue where it could be. The bummer is that there are at least 40 crucial bits of songs on there (ones that weren't backed up on the computer yet). Hmm...
* My poetry is going well. I'm really trying to push it in new directions while maintaining my voice. It's new and exciting and wonderful!
There's always more of course. Remember to follow me on Twitter to keep up!
:) Desirée
* In case you were wondering, the image above is from a tutorial which happens to use a super-awesome image of a flamingo that I adore :)

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