
Today's Adventure

Magic surrounds me everyday! Today there were ruins, a waterfall, bridges, and parks!
This is where I spent the day:


And then all of a sudden a Knight in Shining Armour appeared..

Today was more about exploring than taking pictures, which is why I don't have a pic of the waterfall or bridge or any of the other wonderful things. But I'll definitely be taking advantage of this amazing new location and posting more pics soon!

:) Desirée


  1. I remember this beautiful place... I remember taking you and your sister there as children. I remember you running, and laughing -- and putting on plays. And now, there you are - wandering with and witnessing your own babies touching and playing between the carved walls...

  2. So much of it has changed, and so much of it is the same! A wonderfully magical place to discover all over again! :)



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